Spa Relax
€6,790.00 €6,450.00 su PVM
Trys sėdimos vietos ir dvi gulimos vietos „Spa Relax“ yra optimalus pasirinkimas praleisti laiką su šeima ir draugais. Gultai buvo suprojektuoti taip, kad būtų užtikrinta papildoma juosmens atrama. Taip pat gultai turi skirtingus aukščius, kad tilptų įvairaus ūgio žmonės, todėl juo naudotis yra patogu visiems. Norėdami sukurti šį unikalų dizainą, „Passion Spas“ bendradarbiavo su baldų pramonės profesionalais. Be to, reguliuojami purkštukai leidžia jums valdyti hidroterapijos intensyvumą, taip pat, masažiniame baseine yra ozonavimo sistema, užtikrinančią išskirtinę vandens kokybę. Apskritai, „Spa Relax“ yra ekonomiška, energiją taupanti, didelio efektyvumo investicija į sveiką poilsį.
- Išmatavimai: 204 x 204 x 85 cm (IxPxA).
- Sėdimų vietų kiekis: 3 vnt.
- Gulimų vietų kiekis: 2 vnt.
- Vandens kiekis: 1300 litr.
- Svoris be vandens: 275 kg.
- Svoris su vandeniu: 1575 kg.
- Korpuso medžiaga: Aristech® Akrilas su Vinylester ir Polyester.
- Synthetic Maintenance Free Cabinet .
- Nuimamos šoninės apdailos: 4 vnt.
- Išorės apdailos medžiaga: Synthetic.
- Patvari atraminė sistema: Synthetic.
- Everlast™ Full pagrindo medžiaga: Synthetic.
- Aukšto tankio uretano izoliacija.
- Puodelių laikikliai: 3 vnt.
- Masažinių purkštukų kiekis: 40 vnt.
- Vandens purkštukai, Nerūdijantis plienas: 30 vnt.
- Oro masažiniai purkštukai: 10 vnt.
- Oro valdymo vožtuvas: 4 vnt.
- Filtras / Filtravimo paviršius: (2 vnt.) / 4,65 kv.m.
- Iš viršaus aptarnaujamas didelio našumo skimeris (filtras).
- Dugno ir išorinis trapas: 1 vnt.
- Hi Flow Vandens pasiurbimo purkštukai: 2 vnt.
- 5”Masažo purkštukai, kryptiniai, sukamieji ir impulsiniai: 5
- 3” Sukamieji purkštukai: 12 vnt.
- 2” Kryptiniai purkštukai: 12 vnt.
- Ozono purkštukas: 1 vnt.
- Minkšto oro masažo sistema.
- Formuotos minkštos galvos pagalvės su LED apšvietimu: 3 vnt.
- StarBrite Interjero LED Light Apšvietimo sistema.
- Išoriniai baseino kampai su LED apšvietimu: 2 vnt.
- Kvapų terapijos sistema.
- Ozonavimo sistema
- UV Synergy System, ultravioletine lempa.
- Itin efektyvi dvigubo apvyniojimo išorinės apdailos izoliacija.
- 5/4 ypač efektyvus vaikščiojimui atspari baseino uždanga.
- Masažinis siurblys 1: LX LP300 – 2,2 kW.
- Cirkuliacinis siurbyls: LX WTC50M – 200 W.
- Orapūtė, oro masažo siurblys: LX AP300 – 300 W.
- Įtampa: 220/380
- Amperai: 16A-230V/2x16A-230V.
- Viso srauto elektrinis šildytuvas: 3 kW
- Valdymo sistema: Balboa GS510DZ
- Apšvietimas (18 vnt. x Spalvoti LED‘ai)
- Valdymo pultas: Balboa VL801D, ant baseino korpuso.

Temp Control ( 26.0°C – 40.0°C)
The last measured water temperature is constantly displayed. The water temperature displayed is current only when the pump has been running for at least 2 minutes. To display the set temperature, press “Warm” or “Cool” once. To change the set temp, press a temp button again before the display stops flashing. After three seconds, the display will stop flashing and begin to display the current spa temperature.
Jets 1
Press “Jets 1” to turn pump 1 on or off, and to shift between low and high speeds (if equipped). The low-speed will turn off after 4 hours. High-speed will turn off after 15 minutes. Low-speed may run automatically at times, during which it cannot be deactivated from the panel, but high-speed may be operated.
Jets 2 / Blower
Press the corresponding button once to turn the device on or off. The device will turn off after 15 minutes. Pump 2 may be two-speed on some systems. If the panel has a button with 2 devices assigned to it, like Pump 2 and Pump 3, press the button repeatedly to step through the various combinations of On and Off for both devices.
Press “Light” to operate the spa light. Turns off after 4 hours.
Mode is changed by pressing “Warm” or “Cool,” then pressing “Mode/Prog” button. Standard Mode maintains set temperature and the STANDARD icon will be displayed. Economy Mode heats the spa to the set temperature only during filter cycles. will display when water temp is not current, and will alternate with water temp when the pump is running. The ECONOMY icon will be displayed. Sleep Mode heats the spa to within 20°F/10°C of the set temperature only during filter cycles. will display when water temp is not current, and will alternate with current water temp when the pump is running.
Preset Filter Cycles
The first preset filter cycle starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 10:00 AM. The second preset filter cycle starts at 8:00 PM and ends at 10:00 PM. For non-circ systems, low-speed pump 1 and the ozone generator (if installed) run during filtration. For 24 hour circulation systems, the circ pump and the ozone generator (if installed) run 24 hours. In hot environments, the circ pump may turn off for 30 minute periods, except during filter cycles.
For non-24 hour circulation systems, the circ pump and ozone generator (if installed) run during filtration (and may also run automatically at other times). At the beginning of each filter cycle all other equipment will run briefly to purge the plumbing
Optional Filter Cycle Programming
You are not required to change the filter cycles, but if you wish to, press “Time,” “Mode/Prog,” “Mode/Prog” within 3 seconds. SET START FILTER 1 (AM) will appear. Press “Warm” or “Cool” to reset the filter start time. Press “Mode/Prog” to see SET STOP FILTER 1 and adjust the time with “Warm” or “Cool” as done above. Press “Mode/Prog” to see SET START FILTER 2 (PM) and proceed as above. Press “Mode/Prog” to see SET STOP FILTER 2 and proceed as above. Press “Mode/Prog” to confirm.
Locking the Panel
Press “Time,” “Blower,” and “Warm” within 3 seconds. The Panel is now locked. To unlock the panel, press the “Time,” “Blower,” and “Cool” within 2 seconds.
Locking the Temperature
Press “Warm,” “Time,” “Blower,” and “Warm” within 3 seconds. The “Warm” and “Cool” buttons are now disabled. To unlock the temperature, press “Time,” “Blower,” and “Cool” within 2 seconds. Note: On some systems, “Jets 1,” instead of “Blower,” is used in Lock/ Unlock sequences.
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